Seba House


Tafí del Valle, Tucumán, Argentina.

Seba House is a project developed on the heights of the Tucumán valleys. Tafí del Valle, especifically. The house crowns a highly uneven 2500m2 ground. The slope was the core of the design. Different levels allow for impact, highlighting the spaces involved. Volume is primarily placed on the highest sector of the ground, improving the visuals of the house. In unison with the previous idea, the main access is on the North.

As far as volumetry is concerned, simple and easily identifiable elements are at play, producing a dramatic visual impact. Scale and the use of a variaty of textures and materials are the resources for such a result. Reinforced concrete is present, focusing the flanks and highlighting the horizontality in the living/ dinning room/ kitchen. The upper floor volumen is noticeable for the wooden finish, adding warmth to the space.